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  • Serial Number: E350036
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Front Suspension: Yes
  • Cab Suspension: Yes
  • Weights: Yes
  • Front Linkage: Yes
  • Front Tyres: 600/65x34 - 60/70% Tread
  • Rear Tyres: 710/75x42 - 60/70% Tread
  • Year: 2015
  • Operational Hours: 1685
  • Power (HP): 320 with boost to 350
  • Registration Number: GN15 DXH
  • Stock Status: Sold
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Massey Ferguson 8732 Exclusive Dyna VT 50K

  • Delivery date 20/07/15
  • Warranty 4,000 hours ends 19/07/20
  • Front linkage
  • Data 4 video isobus screen
  • Field ready GSP auto steer
  • Speed steer
  • Two 250Kg weights on each rear wheel
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